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There's hard shards in my Jam / Sauce?Updated 5 months ago

One of the ingredients we use to make all our awesome condiments low carb is something called erythritol, which is an polyol. This means it sweetens food without being fully processed by your body, so it doesn't impact blood sugar levels. Clever, huh? 

On rare occasions, a change in temperature can cause powdered / granulated erythritol to form super hard crystals. These crystals are safe to consume, but we understand it' less than ideal to have them in the products! 

If you find one or two of these in your jam, sauce or pickle. Just fish them out with a teaspoon and dispose of them in the bin. If for some reason, there's LOTS of these crystals in your spread or dip, contact us so we can investigate this with our manufacturer.

Click here to contact our customer service team about crystals in your products. 

Article Ref: 5557446457

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